BTS on our Oasis campaign
Images & words by Mel Carrero
What can we say about the amazingly talented Brydie Mack aka @wolfcubwolfcub? It took us a year to get a booking with Brydie the first time around, because she’s bloody busy! But every single campaign we ever saw of hers, we adored (you will find them scattered throughout our blog over the years, we just couldn’t get enough). Lizzy and I would speak about getting her to shoot a campaign for Spell often.
Her ability to show the female form, make it all look effortless, was just a feeling we couldn’t get enough of when consuming her imagery. And finally, there was a moment of synchronicity when we finally had a gap together in our schedules to do our first ever swim collection, plus Summer collection, Isla Bay and Lovebird in Santorini with her behind the lens.
Brydie has worked some of our customer’s most favourite campaigns, like Lovebird, Flowerchild and Lionheart and many more, and we love the way she can bring a collection to life, so we wanted to show you a look into our world with her via the video, and how much energy and love she brings to our Spell sets!
Oasis in particular was a real vision of Brydie’s that came to life. Of course, Lizzy and Spelly had the vision of this shoot being created at the beautiful desert in Palm Springs, but it was Brydie who had been lusting over the amazing Frey House that we shot at, had a vision for styling (yes, that pink phone!) and stalked down the amazing houses (number 815!) that we shot in front of.
The house was certainly a labour of love, and an indicator of Brydie’s true personality of never giving up for the shot – she found an image on Pinterest of this house, and she just HAD to find it! It took around 4 hours of driving the streets, google mapping, pulling over and asking questions, stalking blogs and multiple Pinterest clicks to find this house, but when we found it, it was Brydie’s charms that got the owner to allow us to shoot there (so, so kind!).
It just goes to show, that the best shots are always worth the work, but also one of the most fun shoots on set we’ve had as a crew to date!