Spell ‘Last Days of Summer’ lookbook
Photographer Johnny Abegg
Model Hanalei Reponty
H&M Luciana Rose
Styling Lizzy & Spell of Spell | Vintage wardrobe by Sarah Humphries | US Flag c/o Free People
Assistants Olivia Deane, Mae Hanna
Location The Atlantic Byron Bay
If you’re north your days are getting longer and warmer, and if you’re south (like us) your days are getting shorter and cooler – either way you may find yourself, like us, in a lovely balmy space of dappled sunlight and merging seasons.
In this space of wonderfully lingering Summer memories we were delighted when Hanalei Reponty let us know she was in town. We’d contacted her a while ago, her gorgeous underwater Tahitian lifestyle had, at least partly, inspired our ‘Hanalei Collection’ and we’d been planning a collaboration shoot with her for a while – now was the time.
In true Spell style we pulled it together in 48 hours. I contacted Kim from The Atlantic (super gorgeous place to stay in Byron btw!!) and she gave us free reign of her house. She lives on sight with her family of boys and we made the most of this beach side kids paradise, tree house, skate ramp and all.
We hope you enjoy this fun little shoot which features some of our mid-season drops like new kimonos in Storm and Boho Tribal prints, soft white slouchy tracksuit pants, Leopard Summer Blazer & Sundance Barbarella shorts – they’re all available online now xx
(And ps If you’re in the north and days are getting hotter, we highly recommend you take some scissors to your roadtrip tees like Hanalei did! They look smoking post snip!!)